Wednesday, April 04, 2007


Castro and Chavez are worried about US-Brazilian efforts to promote ethanol use.

One proof is the hysterical article Castro wrote for Granma, Cuba's official newspaper, lashing at those who want "to convert food into combustibles'' and accusing them of wanting to condemn to "premature death and thirst more than 3 billion people of the world.'' Although the article was purportedly aimed at President George W. Bush, its real target was Lula, who was about to embark on his trip to Washington just a few weeks after Bush had visited him in Brasilia.

So ethanol use will lead to premature death as people go hungry. . .


Blog do Mario Mello said...


I saw your blog and I think the Ethanol could be a big solution to Brazil. The people just need to know what a social cust for the nation and if it really would bring some development to our contry.



Chairman Ku said...

I have been impressed with what I have seen about Brazilian efforts to become less dependent on oil. Brazil is several years ahead of the US in the development of flex-engines in automobiles or at least in the number on the road.