Friday, March 07, 2008


A future war with China seems to be the reason. With the economy tanking and our forces committed to the Middle East, I wonder how much more taxpayers can afford. How much of this is bluff is hard to say.

Asked if the Chinese are monitoring the buildup, Keating said: “I kind of hope they do. We've got a number of B-2s in Guam now. I'm hoping they notice. We're doing our best to make sure they do. We want them to understand that we're going to continue to course around the Pacific in ways apparent and maybe not quite so apparent, but we're going to utilize all the arrows in our quiver, if you will, and B-2s in Guam, continuous bomber presence writ larger in Guam and elsewhere. We've been told to do it by Defense Policy Guidance, and we're most assuredly doing it.”

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