Sunday, July 19, 2009


I am troubled by all of this emphasis on global warming. I have to admit I am skeptical even though, according to a science colleague, all of the scientific evidence indicates that it is a fact. Those that oppose it are incompetent scientists or just ignorant right-wingers. I do believe that history shows that the world has gone through weather changes, but some of this seems to be normal cycles. Yet, science is not God and it is far from exact. Maybe my doubts come from all of the times I have seen "science" change--first it was the global cooling alarm bells that went off in the seventies or maybe it is the number of different theories over the years about the extinction of dinosaurs. Science's understanding seems to change, it is not absolute.

There was an interesting editorial in the July 19, 2009 Dallas Morning News on "Screen Out Junk Science." The problem deals with sending people to prison based on valid scientific tests a couple of decades ago, tests which now are discredited by more advanced DNA models. But it wasn't "junk science" a couple of decades ago; it was considered science. So who is to say the scientific theories of today will not be considered "junk science" in the future. Science seems to go through more theoretical changes than Christian theology.

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