Wednesday, August 22, 2012


Jake Tapper is hardly a right-winger, but he is joining Mark Halperin in taking the media to task for following the Obama story line and not dealing with tough issues out there.  This has been quite evident on the evening news--important issues are being ignored.  One can't but help think that if Bush were in office the media would be skewering Bush for 8.3% unemployment of the failures in foreign policy.  If Obama has done something that is working, cover it, but if his policies are failing that should be covered as well.

"A lot of people are hurting out there. Unemployment is 8.3 percent. That doesn’t even take into account the underemployed,” he said, arguing that too much time has been spent not talking about the economy.

Tapper also criticized the media for not giving enough attention to the war in Afghanistan. 

"We are spending a lot of time in the last few weeks, those of us in the political world, political journalists and also politicians, talking about things other than the economy," said Tapper. "[A] lot of people are hurting out there. I’d like to see more action taken and more emphasis given to this issue.”

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