Monday, September 09, 2013


Here is a list of articles that cover the gamut of positions on what to do in Syria (prepared by a professor at Liberty University.                    

Borchgrave, Arnaud de. Americans Favor Pivot Back Home over Syria

Chivers, C. J. Brutality of Syrian Rebels Posing Dilemma in West

Coren, Courtney, and John Bachman. US Cannot be Indifferent to Syrian Conflict

Hanson, Victor Davis. Recommended Reading

Ibrahim, Raymond. Islam Translated (website with numerous postings)

Kahlili, Reza. Iran Threatens Brutal Attacks on Americans, Obama Family if US Hits Syria

Kurtz, Stanley. The Frightening Truth about Syria's WMDs

Lord, Jeffrey. Reagan's Rules for Military Action

Stratfor. Iran: Managing US Military Action in Syria

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