Friday, May 23, 2014


The media has noted that "al Qaeda terrorists at Guantanamo treated better than our vets."  You can't fire incompetents in the VA and they actually end up being promoted or given bonuses.

The Left has bragged about the VA as a model for medical care, but this socialist model has failed.

The "secret" of the VA's "success," Krugman argued, "is the fact that it's a universal, integrated system." That saves on administrative costs and allows for efficient record-keeping. Krugman acknowledged that the VA had a history of mismanagement and mediocre care, until "reforms beginning in the mid-1990's transformed the system." But wait. Hasn't it been a universal, integrated system all along?  This sounds like it could be a prophetic statement about Obamacare.  At least in a private care system you can sue the doctor or hospital for malfeasance. And Krugman opposed Republican proposals allowing vets to use VA benefits in private care systems.

From WND.  Obama failed to fix problems left over from the Bush administration even though he promised to.

Map showing an "epidemic" of VA incompetence.

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