Sunday, February 23, 2014


From the Heritage Foundation.  A discussion of how Obama attempts to stop groups that oppose him.

Opponents are targeting businesses or business leaders who support conservative causes, for example.

“Media Matters, David Brock’s group, has intentionally made clear in fundraising pitches their intention to expose donors, so that other left-wing groups and they can organize boycotts of these conservative donors,” said Smith.

CP Politics discusses how Obama tried to silence groups supporting his Democrat rivals in 2008.

"You go all the way back to the Democratic Primary in the Spring of 2008, and you find Bob Bower filing a complaint with the Federal Election Committee against an organization called the American Leadership Project, which was backing his opponent in the primary, Hilary Clinton," Strassel recalled. She argued that the IRS targeting scandal is only the latest version of this sort of political attack. The Obama campaign also went after a group supporting John Edwards, the WSJ columnist said.

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