Monday, September 05, 2005


A Rove conspiracy in the New Orleans mess!

Notice how Bush, et al., are shipping the mostly black remainder evacuees from New Orleans et environs to Texas? It practially amounts to gerrymandering of a sort. Since many, if not most, of the evacuees -- certainly mostly Democratic voters -- will remain in Texas, get jobs and homes, and never return to the Big Easy, Louisiana, a purple state (Clinton '92 and '96, Bush '00 and '04) becomes redder, and Texas, a huge very red state, gains yet more population while turning only slightly less red.

Is it possible these effects are the result of deliberate design on the part of the White House political office and, namely, one Karl Rove? Otherwise, why wouldn't they be evacuating people to Memphis in purple Tennessee? Or Little Rock in purple Arkansas?

Memphis, at 392 miles from New Orleans (add maybe 60 miles to that to detour around the diabled I-55 Lake Ponchartrain bridge), is only 41 (100-ish) miles further away than Houston (351) and a LOT closer than San Antonio, Austin and Dallas, which are each a good 500 miles away. Little Rock is about as close as are Dallas, Austin and San Antonio. I understand a lot of the people who self-evacuated went to Memphis and to Arkansas, among other areas. Kind of unnatural to send the remainder evaucuees ONLY to Texas (other than Baton Rouge and other Louisiana destinations).

I can understand not evacuating eastward to Fla and Alabama, given that the direct land routes are pretty much all severed. That is not true for eastern Tennesee and Arkansas. What gives?

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