Tuesday, February 13, 2007


The DNC had a Detroit imam pray at its recent meeting. You can read his prayer here.


Anonymous said...

Doesn't it strike you as disingenuous that Robert Spencer should simultaneously accuse this man of praying a prayer with an unashamedly Muslim worldview (and really, from an imam, what sort of prayer would you expect?) and duplicitously veiling his true meaning?

In other words, some of the meaning behind the prayer might have been obscure to someone ignorant of Islam, but that doesn't mean that the imam was purposely trying to keep his listeners in the dark.

It is rather stupid of Spencer to declare, "So what seems to be a gesture of ecumenical generosity is actually a declaration of religious imperialism and the delegitimization of other religions," as though Al-Husainy was trying to seem extra-tolerant instead of simply invoking what any educated person would recognize as names important to the Muslim faith.

Furthermore, calling his prayer a "deligitimization of other religions" as though that were an intolerant and reprehensible thing for a member of a religion's clergy while at the same time ostensibly decrying the religious tolerance that would lead the DNC to allow him to pray over them is kind of asinine. Why shouldn't Muslims or Hindus or devotees of the Flying Spaghetti Monster be expected to believe their religion to be the only true one just as much as Christians do?

In short, while the observations and information are certainly interesting, the blogger's snooty tone makes his personal commentary difficult to take seriously.

--Blame Jared

KittyWings said...

LOL, I loved the last comment. My opinion, too. And would there have been this great outcry had a Christian prayed the same prayer....oh wait, probably. What a hypocritical world we live in.