Friday, May 30, 2008

American Liberals

From David Reed:

The Curious Phenomenon of the Modern American Liberal.

Who are they? A slightly more evolved arthropod who wishes to be considered intellectual, urbane, sophisticated and at times even witty, and certainly as well-above average in intelligence, breeding, education, and political savoir-faire. Universally holding to a shimmering Darwinian worldview, they oddly render themselves essentially meaningless in the Grand Scheme of things, the reality of which they would of course deny.

Consistent with a futureless void they adopt a lifestyle which at the core is egocentric, narcissistic, materialistic, hedonistic and atheistic. Contrary to their popular label, and the lofty virtue of "tolerance" whiningly proclaimed, they are understandably and often stridently opposed to Biblical Christianity in particular; favoring any of its alternatives; quick to save a spotted owl, snail darter, seal cub or tall tree but blithely abort their nuisance human offspring with carefree abandon.

Illogically, yet also consistent with anchorless ethics, they would forestall the upward evolutionary spiral from which they claim their spontaneous generation by promoting homosexual behavior tending to render them eventually extinct, something normally producing abject horror when it occurs to their alleged relatives in the animal kingdom. And rather than assisting the selective quest for species improvement by purging the gene pool of its deleterious elements, they demonstrate curious confusion by an abhorrence to excise societal predators yet without compunction eliminate defenseless innocents.

But perhaps more interesting than "who" they are, is "why" they are. Answer? The same rebelliousness that insidiously found its way into Eden not that long ago, haughtily accomplished in their oxygen-deficient circles by simply voting their Creator non-existent.

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