Thursday, September 10, 2009


The president is a great orator--I know critics say it is all in the teleprompters, but I disagree.

Obama has said there are no options out there. I have seen a number of options mentioned, but I haven't seen any media analysis of whether other health care proposals are better or worse. Here is one of the options.

The AMA is supporting Obamacare so it must think that doctors will gain some advantage from it. Some think this is a bad sign. . .for patients. The AMA has created a doctor shortage which boosts the salaries of doctors.

And did Obama misrepresent a medical case in his speech of September 9? Also I am skeptical that any plan won't result in some kind of cut in medical practices, especially for the aged. If there is all this cost-saving in making cuts in medicare, why haven't these cuts been made?

The non-politically active people I have visited with would feel more comfortable if congress would give themselves the same health care plan it wants to give to the rest of America. Even the AP felt Obama's speech was filled with misrepresentations.

Tucker Carlson saw a grumpy old man whose demeanor has changed from the hope and change positivism of the campaign.

He did give credit to Bush once. He supports the same policy -- which his Democrat colleagues in the congress voted down when it was Bush. That's politics.

I discovered Republicans do have health care proposals in spite of what the president said.

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