Tuesday, April 06, 2010

I have always wondered why the Bush administration did not cite a number of sources to support its statement that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction to rebut Democrat charges that none were ever found. I had read Sada's book and thought that you just can't dismiss his claim that Saddam had transferred weapons of mass destruction to Syria as irrelevant. It's all Rove's fault.

Why wasn't the Bush administration citing Gen. James Clapper, the Director of the National Imagery and Mapping Agency, who said that satellite imagery proved conclusively that shortly before the war's outbreak, Iraq had transferred its weapons of mass destruction to Syria? Why wasn't it quoting Gen. Georges Sada, deputy chief of Saddam's air force, or Gen. Moshe Ya'alon, Israel's chief-of-staff, both of whom also claimed that Saddam's weapons had been transferred to Syria? Why was it so tongue-tied, so unsure of itself, so unwilling to answer its critics? Didn't anybody in the White House realize that if the Democrats' charges went unanswered, they would fatally undermine the entire case for the war?

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