Friday, April 16, 2010


I want to start bookmarking links on this issue. A liberal Democrat wanted to remind me about the horrible, angry, violent tea partiers -- "The anger of man does not achieve the righteous life that God desires." (James 1:20) This is a great verse. But what struck me so far is that most of the violence I have read that has occurred at tea parties is a result of attacks on tea party protestors by leftists or disgruntled Democrats. I have read about tea partiers being egged (recent Boston tea party from Boston Herald), faced with false charges of racism, attacked by SEIU goons, beaten up for wearing a Palin button, and the list could go on. The worse thing I have read about the tea partiers is based on the signs they have carried. . .but then there have been accusations that these people were liberal Democrat infiltrators seeking to discredit the tea partiers. So over the coming months I hope to be able to document this issue.

From Politico: New Orleans Assault

Frank Rich apology.

"Double-Standard on Rhetoric" from Commentary.

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