Thursday, February 28, 2013


A compiliation of the number of times the Obama administration has tried to silence critics in the media. It does not seem to be able to take criticism.


Dawkins has no trouble attacking the God of Jews and Christians, but he does not seem as troubled with the god of Islam, Allah.

Whoops. It’s funny how these confident, cocksure prophets of atheism-who barely have time to take a breath between slamming the tenets of Christianity and Judaism-often get curiously tongue-tied and shy when the subject of Islam comes up. The idea that Dawkins doesn’t “know so much about” the God of the Koran is absurd. Of course he knows about Islam. And the same disdain and disregard that he has for Judaism and Christianity should surely apply to Islam as well.


David Barton has used illustrations from Louis L'Amour, a western novelist, to provide historical support for an illustration he used.

Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism. - See more at:
Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism.
Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism - See more at:
Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism. - See more at:
Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism - See more at:
storians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticis - See more at:
Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism - See more at:
Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism. - See more at:
Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism. - See more at:
Historians can have honest disagreements about whether the L’Amour story, or other oral traditions passed down through the years, can be used as legitimate historical evidence. They can also debate whether citing a primary source that is quoted in a secondary source is good practice. But when David Barton attacks historians for using second-hand accounts and then goes ahead and does it himself for the purpose of using the “past” to make a political point on the Glenn Beck Show, he deserves criticism. - See more at:


Prime Minister Erdogan said Islamophobia is a crime against humanity just like Zionism. 

Tuesday, February 26, 2013


From Politico.  

He will divide, isolate and defeat Republicans using all the powers of his office and all his skills as a political campaigner. As Americans grow frustrated with the cuts, Republicans will reject their party’s no-tax mantra and demand that Congress end the standoff, even if it means raising some new revenue – just the way Obama is demanding.

Monday, February 25, 2013


From World Affairs

During the event, one 18-year-old Egyptian high school student proclaimed: “As an atheist, I believe that faith is against our very humanity and the source of warfare and bloodshed.” That’s a bold statement in Egypt, and certainly a bold thing to say to a mostly Muslim audience. Indeed, Abdelfattah said it was the first time he’d seen a public meeting on the subject of atheism, which had been considered, he said, “sensitive and taboo” before the opening up of society heralded by the ousting of longtime authoritarian leader Hosni Mubarak two years ago.


First it was Chuck Hagel at defense and now the Obama administration has nominated Jack Lew for Secretary of the Treasury, a man who seems to have manipulated money to help himself wherever he served.

Grassley has been digging into Lew’s tenure at New York University, where he pulled down an enormous salary, including sweetheart loans, while the students were footing enormous tuition bills. Worse, under his nose NYU negotiated a deal with Citicorp (miraculously, Lew’s next employer!) to provide loans to students, a deal that then-state Attorney General Andrew Cuomo found to be illegal.

I thought liberals were looking out for the little guy. . .just a bunch of fat-cats looking out for their pocket-books.

Friday, February 22, 2013


Obama recently gave a speech wanting to extend pre-kindergarten programs, but USA Today asks, "Why not fix the family instead?"  It is strong, stable families that motivate kids, not programs.


An analysis of why health care costs are so high.  Why should one generic Tylenol pill cost a $1.50 a pill?

What are the reasons, good or bad, that cancer means a half-million- or million-dollar tab? Why should a trip to the emergency room for chest pains that turn out to be indigestion bring a bill that can exceed the cost of a semester of college? What makes a single dose of even the most wonderful wonder drug cost thousands of dollars? Why does simple lab work done during a few days in a hospital cost more than a car? And what is so different about the medical ecosystem that causes technology advances to drive bills up instead of down?


Someone leaked the strategy of how liberal Democrats plan to "destroy" Republican office-holders in North Carolina.


Everyone I have visited with in recent years who have visited London remark that it is no longer a British city.  Now the Daily Mail has documented how extensive the flight of whites from London has been.

More than 600,000 white British Londoners have left the capital in a decade.  Census figures show that between 2001 and 2011 the level of ‘white flight’ reached 620,000.

It is the equivalent of a city the size of Glasgow – made up entirely of white Britons – moving out of the capital.


It hits a 25 year low.

Only 39 percent of teachers described themselves as very satisfied with their jobs on the latest survey. That's a 23-percentage point plummet since 2008, and a drop of five percentage points just over the past year. Factors contributing to lower job satisfaction included working in schools where the budgets, opportunities for professional development, and time for collaboration with colleagues have all been sent to the chopping block.

Stress levels are also up, with half of all teachers describing themselves as under great stress several days per week, compared with a third of teachers in 1985.


"Obama Ally Got $340 Million to Set Up Health Care Co-Ops." The moralists and watchdogs seem strangely silent when these kinds of things go on in Washington today.

A health insurance company headed by an old friend from President Obama's days as a community organizer got a $340 million federal loan to establish Obamacare co-ops in New York, New Jersey and Oregon despite having a chronic record of consumer and regulatory complaints.

The New York-based Freelancers Insurance Company has been rated the "worst" insurer for two straight years by state regulators, and data compiled by a national insurance association show an extremely high rate of consumer complaints.


Politico describes how Obama manipulates the press.  

President Barack Obama is a master at limiting, shaping and manipulating media coverage of himself and his White House.

Not for the reason that conservatives suspect: namely, that a liberal press willingly and eagerly allows itself to get manipulated. Instead, the mastery mostly flows from a White House that has taken old tricks for shaping coverage (staged leaks, friendly interviews) and put them on steroids using new ones (social media, content creation, precision targeting). And it’s an equal opportunity strategy: Media across the ideological spectrum are left scrambling for access.

But something is different with this White House. Obama’s aides are better at using technology and exploiting the president’s “brand.” They are more disciplined about cracking down on staff that leak, or reporters who write things they don’t like. And they are obsessed with taking advantage of Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and every other social media forums, not just for campaigns, but governing.

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Political hypocrisy is so interesting.

Democrats and Obama may be demonizing Republicans for being the protectors of fat-cat Wall Street capitalists and corporation CEOs, but they are doing a good job of protecting their moneyed friends. Democrats don't like big oil, but if you are not part of corporate big oil, being a fat-cat corporation is okay. Normally the press doesn't cover this type of hypocrisy.

The following is from the ABC News report:

Listening to the White House, you'd think the key to averting the across-the-board spending cuts (the dreaded "sequester") set to in place on March 1 is closing the tax break for owners of private jets.

Here was White House Press Secretary Jay Carney last week: "How do you explain to a senior that we're doing this, asking you to sacrifice, but we're not saying that corporate jet owners should lose their special tax incentive."

On Wednesday, Carney summed up the Republican position this way: "We'd rather see our national security undermined than corporate jet owners, God forbid, give up their tax break."

And President Obama in an interview Wednesday with KAKE-TV in Wichita: "What we don't want to do is give somebody who's buying a corporate jet an extra tax break."

Carney has brought up the corporate jet tax break at every single briefing this week.

Listening to the White House, you might think that the "balanced" Democratic plan to avert the spending cuts would close that loophole for private jets.

But you would be wrong.

The Senate Democratic plan - which has been endorsed by the White House and is, in fact, the only Democratic plan actively under consideration right now - doesn't touch corporate jets.

We asked Carney if the White House is upset that the Senate Democrats' plan protects corporate jets. His answer: "Our position - in the president's plan that has been available for ages but republicans and some reporters pretend doesn't exist - is that the corporate jet loophole should be eliminated. We'd be fine if it were eliminated as part of the revenue component of a sequester buy-down or as part of broader tax reform in a bigger balanced deficit reduction deal. Either way. And either way, Republicans oppose it, and would rather see sequester hit than ask corporate jet owners to give up their special tax break. How is that not true?"

Even if the Senate plan did end the tax break for private jets, it wouldn't make much of a difference. The tax break - which allows the owners of private jets to depreciate their airplanes over five years instead of the standard seven years for commercial airplanes - would raise less than $300 million a year. That's a tiny fraction of the $85 billion in across-the-board cuts scheduled to go into effect this year.  But - even so - the Senate Democratic plan allows that tax break to continue - unchanged.

The White House also frequently mentions tax breaks for oil and gas companies. The Democratic plan does eliminate some of those, but even that doesn't add up to much: Just $2 billion in the Senate Democratic plan.


The impact of grade inflation in higher education is a sore point at many universities.

It was my second recommendation that sparked doubts. I argued that, “to increase transparency and accountability further, the Legislature should require all universities to include on transcripts not only the grade the student received for each class, but also the overall average grade for the class. This would tell prospective employers whether or not a given student’s high grade-point average was the product of exceptional work or of enrolling in what today’s students call ‘Mick’ (for ‘Mickey Mouse’) courses.

Another article from the NYT : The college degree is becoming the new high school diploma: the new minimum requirement, albeit an expensive one, for getting even the lowest-level job.


Interesting.  Accusations that Obama is sacking the leading generals involved in Afghanistan.

Wednesday, February 20, 2013


Boehner argues that sequester was Obama's idea so he needs to fix it and stop blaming Republicans.

But Boehner reminded Obama that the automatic cut idea was originally proffered by the White House during the debt-ceiling talks of 2011. He said Congress "reluctantly accepted the president's demand" and claimed it's now up to Obama to find the escape hatch. 

"So, as the president's outrage about the sequester grows in coming days, Republicans have a simple response: Mr. President, we agree that your sequester is bad policy. What spending are you willing to cut to replace it?" Boehner asked. 


From the WSJ.  The media seems to have ignored the questioning of an administration official by Senate Democrats.

"Powerful Democrats" subjected a top Obama administration health-care official "to withering criticism" last week, notes Walter Russell Mead. When Gary Cohen, head of the Center for Consumer Information and Insurance Oversight, appeared before the Senate Finance Committee, chairman Max Baucus of Montana and Sens. Ron Wyden (Ore.), Bill Nelson (Fla.) and Maria Cantwell (Wash.) "tore into him."

Monday, February 18, 2013


Syrian Islamists are getting state-of-the-art weapons from Kossovo and Bosnia.  An earlier post discussed Iran arms coming into the Balkans, now we have arms leaving the Balkans for Syrian rebels.  Al Qaeda is in the Balkans and no one seems to be reporting this.


A whole new perspective of an historical event, The Chicago Haymarket Square Riot of 1886, has occurred because of a question asked by a student in class.  It caused a professor to dig into the original documents in a way previous historians had not.  The result is a more accurate account of what occurred. . .but the left is unhappy with the new information. 

From National Review.

Thursday, February 14, 2013



When compared to its peers, the dollar has drifted to a 15-year low, according to the International Monetary Fund, indicating that more countries are willing to use other currencies to do business.

It would appear that within 10 years the power of the dollar will be ended after being the world currency since the end of World War II. The world senses that the U.S. is not the economic force it was once. . .and this will lead to less political respect.


And Obama is following the same pattern of deficit spending that is not working in Europe.

There is no magic bullet that can magically transform the EU economy.  The French made a mistake electing a socialist in France that decided to expand government programs and increase taxes.  But no one ever confused the French for being capitalists.  The multiplier effect of government spending is 0.  You cannot tax and spend your way to economic prosperity.

Europeans never learned that.  They are full on Keynesians.  Central planners.  Bureaucrats.

The debts they have accrued are eating them alive.  Their economies cannot grow fast enough to keep up. They have entered what is known as the death spiral.  Because of the heavy government interference in markets, and the artificial low interest rates the EU Central bank is imposing, capital is locked.  It doesn’t turn over and won’t cannot be allocated through the marketplace to more productive resources.

Wednesday, February 13, 2013


When the left-wing  Huffington Post fact checks Obama's State of the Union Address and finds a number of serious errors in his statements, his administration is definitely in mess when it comes to dealing with the problems faced by America.  He is upsetting conservatives, moderates, and now liberals with his policies.

IBD discusses the debt crisis challenge which the State of the Union seemed to ignore.

First, despite what Obama says, the debt crisis is nowhere near fixed — as anyone who's looked at the report from Obama's own debt commission would know.

That report opened with this stark statement: "Our nation is on an unsustainable fiscal path." Left unchecked, it said, the rising debt "will put America at risk," and that "continued inaction is not a viable option."

The American Spectator on Obama's "most audacious lie."  

Humor(?) in the speech.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013


The presence of Iranians in Sarajevo has increased (not to neglect other Islamic groups).  It could pose some serious issues for Europe, especially with Iran developing nuclear weapons.  And there are large Muslim minorities in most European countries (although most are Sunnis and not Shias).

The threat Iran and its proxies pose to Western interests in the Balkans is multiplied by the growth of Wahhabi movements in Bosnia, Kosovo, Macedonia, and the mountainous Sandzak region straddling the border between Montenegro and Serbia. In remote, isolated villages throughout the Western Balkans, Wahhabi groups have developed a network of extra-territorial, sharia-run enclaves that over the past two decades have become safe havens and recruiting grounds for jihadis from around the world. Under the guise of running “youth camps,” Islamist extremists in recent years have systematically transported young people into national parks or local hills and forests where they are given military training by former mujahedin. The camps are intentionally transitory, re-established in different places and under different auspices each year, to make it more difficult for security officials to track them, but despite their ad hoc nature they have been effective in fostering the relationships needed for creating extremist networks.


"7 things Democrats would have freaked about if Bush had done them."


Column by David P. Goldman. ( I have read his book and he uses UN statistics to make his case)

“Something really big is under way — and practically no one has noticed it, even in the Arab world,” Ignatius quotes an e-mail from Eberstadt, one of the best conservative economists working today. But I don’t think it is quite accurate to say that “practically no one has noticed it.” On the contrary, Islamist leaders like Iran’s Mahmoud Ahmadinejad and Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdogan have been shouting from the rooftops about the trend for the past five years, as my book reports. Excluding the independence-hungry Kurdish minority, Turkey’s fertility rate is probably around 1.5 children per female, about the same as Iran’s, and a guarantee of national decline.

Saturday, February 09, 2013


From Politico.  "Dick Cheney's Revenge."

Will the author of the Obama administration white paper on killing U.S. citizens please report for his war crimes trial right away?

If he served in the George W. Bush administration, someone would already be agitating for his extraordinary rendition to The Hague. The white paper outlines why the Obama administration believes that it can kill U.S. citizens without due process if they are senior members of Al Qaeda or an affiliate. This is not a merely theoretical legal question, as Anwar al-Awlaki found out from the business end of a Hellfire missile a few years ago in Yemen.


An analysis of "Originalism" and the constitutionality of the Obama's decision to kill American citizens believed to be terrorists with due process as stated in the 5th Amendment of the Constitution.

Friday, February 08, 2013


I thought this was a quite impressive talk.

Dr. Carson's comments on his speech.  He made some pointed comments about American African-Americans not thinking for themselves.


This happened in 2010 but the NBC News article gives some historical perspective into Obama's decision.


Investigations taking place in Ohio.

Democrat Melowese Richardson has been an official poll worker for the last quarter century and registered thousands of people to vote last year. She candidly admitted to Cincinnati’s Channel 9 this week that she voted twice in the last election.

From Political Wire.


 Dissent was good when Bush was president and the evil Dick Cheney was vice-president, but now. . .
Remember back in what was it - 2006 or thereabouts - when left-leaning critics of President Bush couldn't stop talking about how nothing was more red, white, and blue than good old-fashioned American dissent? Why, our very country was founded by an act of dissent, didn't you know! So back when Vice President Dick Cheney - routinely likened to Darth Vader and Voldemort - was running things, the very air was filled with cries of "not in our name" and all that, because it was so damned important that the United States not contravene its basic principles even in the name of self defense!

. . .candidate Obama rejected the Bush adminstration's position that it could detain U.S. citizens as enemy combatants without pressing charges while President Obama claims the right to kill U.S. citizens without laying charges.


The New York Times is finally recognizing the cost of Obama's policies. . .but they don't mention Obama's responsibility for the policies.  I don't know what will happen when people have to start paying Obamacare premiums or face tax penalties.

More of Obamacare's costs to consumers. 

Thursday, February 07, 2013


A liberal, Kirsten Powers, argues for the right of Fox News to report the news freely and criticizes Obama's White House for cutting Fox out-of-the-loop on news briefings.  The mainstream media is not holding the White House accountable for any of its decisions.  There is right to the freedom of the press.

“Can someone explain to me,” Powers wrote, “how it’s ‘liberal’ to try and shut down a media organization? What the Obama administration is doing, and what liberals are funding at [Media Matters] is beyond chilling – it’s a deep freeze.” She’s right – it’s not “liberal” at all, and neither is the contemporary totalitarian left. She goes on to excoriate Media Matters further for its threats to collect dirt on Fox News employees and to sue conservatives for “slanderous” comments about progressives. “If the White House can call one news outlet illegitimate for asking tough questions, then guess who is next? Anyone”:


Marvin Olasky discusses "Why are journalists liberal."  Liberals see themselves as the good guys supporting social justice, equality, etc.


Islam is now putting pressure on secularists in Europe as their numbers grow.  According to one imam "secularism has become antireligious."

But native Europeans also are converting to Islam, either to fit in to Muslim-dominated neighborhoods, for marriage, or to counter the spiritual emptiness in the secular countries, according to an article in last weekend’s New York Times.


Many are concerned with John Brennan's nomination to direct the CIA.  Michael Scheuer gives a well-thought out rationale for finding a different candidate.  It is not just that John Brennan seems ready to trample on civil liberties, but he does not even understand what is at stake in the Middle East.

This month, President Obama nominated John Brennan to be the next CIA chief. Mr. Brennan was a longtime Agency officer and held a number of senior appointments there. He also has held a number of senior positions outside the Agency in the nation’s national security apparatus. One might argue that all of these positions were based on Mr. Brennan’s unvarying willingness to say “Yes, my genius leader” to anything his boss of the moment said was a good idea. It also has been said that he was thoroughly detested inside the Agency while working for DCI George Tenet—primarily because his first question on the proposal of a covert operation to protect Americans was always was “How will this impact on Director Tenet’s reputation”—and for fully supporting the CIA’s overwhelmingly successful rendition program while Messrs. Clinton and Bush were in power, and then damning the Agency for the program and helping to destroy it when he snuggled up to President Obama and his consistently anti-CIA party. Indeed, there was a popular joke inside CIA in the 1990’s which ran something like: “Question: Why is George Tenet never photographed from behind? Answer: Because they have not found a way to dislodge John Brennan’s nose.”


Evidently the New York Times and Washington Post kept some information secret to honor the Obama administration request to do so for national security reasons.

US news organisations are facing accusations of complicity after it emerged that they bowed to pressure from the Obama administration not to disclose the existence of a secret drone base in Saudi Arabia despite knowing about it for a year.

I kinda think that if this were the Bush administration, I don't think the mainstream media would have been as compliant. 


A very interesting committee hearing.

Wednesday, February 06, 2013


"The arrogance of officialdom should be tempered and controlled, and assistance to foreign lands should be curtailed, lest Rome fall."  Cicero , 55 BC 


I didn't know what to think when I started to read it, but Senator Rand Paul's (R, KY) speech analyzing US policy with regard to responding to radical Islam is really quite informative.  War should never be the only policy option exercised.

One thing he notes that I don't think many Americans understand is the impact of historical memory in the Muslim world.  Americans view of historical memory is fleeting so often they do not understand the impact of policy decisions.

Americans need to understand that Islam has a long and perseverant memory. As Bernard Lewis writes, “despite an immense investment in the teaching and writing of history, the general level of historical knowledge in American society is abysmally low. The Muslim peoples, like everyone else in the world, are shaped by their history, but unlike some others, they are keenly aware of it.”

There is a lot of merit in finding a middle path.
What the United States needs now is a policy that finds a middle path. A policy that is not rash or reckless. A foreign policy that is reluctant, restrained by Constitutional checks and balances but does not appease. A foreign policy that recognizes the danger of radical Islam but also the inherent weaknesses of radical Islam. A foreign policy that recognizes the danger of bombing countries on what they might someday do. A foreign policy that requires, as Kennan put it, “a long term, patient but firm and vigilant containment of . . .  expansive tendencies." A policy that understands the “distinction between vital and peripheral interests.”

And where are the great thinkers today who can conceptualize American policy options like George F. Kennan?

I think all of us have the duty to ask where are the Kennans of our generation? When foreign policy has become so monolithic, so lacking in debate that Republicans and Democrats routinely pass foreign policy statements without debate and without votes, where are the calls for moderation, the calls for restraint?


From Commentary.  Obama and liberals were against water-boarding but the use of drones on American citizens is ok.  I think the following quote says it all.  At least water-boarding didn't kill people.  The media seems strangely silent about the Obama administration policy on using drones.

So what do you think Senator Barack Obama would have said if President George W. Bush had pursued these policies? And how do you think the press and the political class would have reacted?

Let me suggest as well that a man who feels wholly at ease with drone strikes that have killed American citizens suspected of engaging in terrorist activities without the benefit of a trial and which have, in the process, killed hundreds of innocent people should be a tad bit more careful when it comes to lecturing about the immorality of enhanced interrogation techniques (EITs). Joe Scarborough, for example, argued that what Bush did with EITs is “child’s play” compared to what Obama has done.

Another comment on the moral hypocrisy of the decision.

The way the administration phrased it, as “legal,” “ethical,” and “wise,” got a lot of hackles up, especially when Michael Isikoff let slip how little oversight there is — including oversight over decisions to kill American citizens. 

Tuesday, February 05, 2013


In Saudi Arabia.

Saudi Arabia has yet again been placed under international scrutiny after a story circulated stating that a father who raped and killed his own daughter last year was to be set free upon a small payment of blood money.


Another good article from Michael Totten.  Islamic blasphemy laws are impacting the West's free speech.

This Islamic jihad against free speech started in 1989, when Iran’s tyrant Ayatollah Khomeini issued a fatwa calling for the murder of British novelist Salman Rushdie because the author supposedly blasphemed the Islamic religion in his novel The Satanic Verses. Dozens of people connected with him, his book, and his publisher were attacked—some even killed—in countries as far away as Japan. Bookstores in the United Kingdom and United States were firebombed. The British government took the threat so seriously it provided Rushdie with an around-the-clock armed security detail, and he had to live in hiding under an assumed name for years.

Paul Marshall and Nina Shea published a grim book in 2011 called Silenced: How Apostasy and Blasphemy Codes Are Choking Freedom Worldwide. They conclude that “in Muslim-majority countries and areas, restrictions on freedom of religion and expression, based on prohibitions of blasphemy, apostasy, and ‘insulting Islam,’ are pervasive, thwart freedom, and cause suffering to millions of people.” Tragically, those millions will have to keep suffering for a while.


Among other things Biden gets Poland and Portugal mixed up!  I don't know who should be upset more, the Poles or the Portuguese.  And he thinks he wants to be President????  He makes Dan Quayle look like an intellectual.

Friday, February 01, 2013


This time it is wind energy.  A culture of corruption has descended on Washington. . .these companies get tax payer money and then seem to fail or provide jobs for Washington insiders.  I don't see the media covering these failures.